Karácsonyi Tangóbál 2016

karibalDátum: 2016. december 17.  19:00-03:00
Helyszín: Stefánia Palota 
[English below]

(bejárat nem a Stefánia út felől, hanem 1146 Budapest, Zichy Géza utca 3.)

Dj: Gyenis Balázs (www.argentinetangoradio.com)

Belépő: elővételben 2.500 Ft, helyszínen: 3.000 Ft
A belépők kaphatók!

A Karácsonyi Tangóbálra a jeggyel tudtok bejönni (nem a legyezővel) – kérjük ne hagyjátok otthon!


19:00-21:30 szól a tangózene 🙂

Felkértük a hazai oktatókat, hogy táncoljanak egyet egy tanítványukkal.

Idén is lesz táncrend 22:00-től két részletben… 🙂
Íme a táncrend tandái:
1. Francisco Canaro – tangó
2. Alfredo Gobbi – tangó
3. Rodolfo Biagi – vals
4. Juan D’Arienzo – tangó
5. Carlos DiSarli – tangó
6. Edgardo Donato – milonga
7. Anibal Troilo – tangó
8. Budapest Bár – tangó
9. Miguel Caló – vals
10. Edgardo Donato – tangó
11. Osvaldo Pugliese – tangó
12. Francisco Canaro – milonga

23:00 (a táncrendi tandák szünetében) ÉLŐ ZENE
Meghívott zongoraművészek fellépése (ér majd rá táncolni :)):
Irina Rosana & Sorin Robert (Kolozsvár, Románia)

Irina Rosana, a graduate of the Music Academy ”Ghe. Dima”, Cluj-Napoca and Sorin Robert, a graduate of the Music Academy from Bucharest, formed more than a year a duo pianistic ”Two to Tango”. This project was born in the tango community in Cluj-Napoca, combining passion for dance and music of the two pianist. With a rich repertoire of the famous tango orchestras from Argentina and its own vision songs orchestration, ”Two to tango” brings a touch of color to milonga evenings.
Their motto is: „Two pianos, one soul”.

A táncrend 2. fele után folyatódik a bál egészen hajnali 3-ig.



Date: 17th December 2016 7.00pm-3.00am
Location: Stefania Palace, Budapest
(entry not from Stefánia street, but from Zichy Géza street 3)

Dj: Balázs Gyenis (www.argentinetangoradio.com)

Entry: 2.500 HUF in advance, 3.000 HUF on the spot
Tickets are already available.
You can also pre-book: andrea.pirity@budaitango.hu

7.00-9.30pm dancing

9.30pm PERFORMANCE: a teacher-student dance. We invited the Hungarian teachers to dance with one of their students.

We’ll have a 2-hour dance schedule during the ball, divided into 2 parts.
The tandas of the dance schedule are the following:
1. Francisco Canaro tango
2. Alfredo Gobbi tango
3. Rodolfo Biagi vals
4. Juan D’Arienzo tango
5. Carlos DiSarli tango
6. Edgardo Donato milonga
7. Anibal Troilo tango
8. Budapest Bár tango
9. Miguel Caló vals
10. Edgardo Donato tango
11. Osvaldo Pugliese tango
12. Francisco Canaro milonga

11.00pm (during the break of the dance schedule): LIVE MUSIC
Invited piano artists:
Irina Rosana & Sorin Robert (Cluj, Romania)

Irina Rosana, a graduate of the Music Academy ”Ghe. Dima”, Cluj-Napoca and Sorin Robert, a graduate of the Music Academy from Bucharest, formed more than a year a duo pianistic ”Two to Tango”. This project was born in the tango community in Cluj-Napoca, combining passion for dance and music of the two pianist. With a rich repertoire of the famous tango orchestras from Argentina and its own vision songs orchestration, ”Two to tango” brings a touch of color to milonga evenings.
Their motto is: „Two pianos, one soul”.

After the 2nd part of the dance schedule we’ll continue the ball till 3pm. 🙂

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